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Pickup - Fast And Reliable Taxi Service Website WordPress Theme

Enlightment – Charity Foundation WordPress Elementor Theme


(13 customer reviews)

Enlightment -…

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SKU: E44A8CCB Category:
Reviews (13)

13 reviews for Enlightment – Charity Foundation WordPress Elementor Theme

  1. Blue Box Media

    I used this template to create this website: – I found it quite easy to use and it worked very well for this not-for-profit organisation. The only thing I would say is that the size of the home pages sliders was a little awkward as the whole image doesn’t show. The support team were very helpful with little tweaks that were needed to tailor the website for this client and any queries were quickly resolved.

  2. Khaleel ahmed

    Love, love love this Template Monster and I love this template. Such an easy thing to use. Documentation is great and ease of use is excellent. Awesome creativity in the design and built on cherry framework is a stroke of genius. There is so much functionality that we had to disable some because we need to grow first. It is really a breath of fresh air not to have to worry about designing my website from the ground up.

  3. James Covington

    This was a great design for the project that we are seeking to complete.

  4. Baboon Software SRL – RO35636400

    Nice template, it was very easy to customize and work with. Thank you!


    Niezwykle praktyczny szablon, dużo modułów do wyboru, bardzo fajne efekty specjalne. Intuicyjna obsÅ‚uga pozwala budować stronÄ™ bez ograniczeÅ„, co prawda miaÅ‚em pewne problemy z tÅ‚umaczeniami niektórych elementów, ale mogÅ‚o to wynikać z mojej niewiedzy 🙂 Rozbudowany panel ustawiania wyglÄ…du caÅ‚ej witryny pozwala zaoszczÄ™dzić sporo czasu – nie trzeba robić tego samego po kilka razy. Mimo wielu wtyczek caÅ‚ość dziaÅ‚a bardzo sprawnie.

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